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100% Pure Agarwood

100% 纯正沉香木


Since ancient times, agarwood has been used by dignitaries to keep houses, attract wealth, and receive luck. It is the only "sacred object recognized by the world's five major religions.Let countless people recover health and get blessings! Therefore, not ordinary people can be fortunate enough to understand agarwood, Many friends around me have become more comfortable than ever in career, business, love, family, etc. after becoming attached to agarwood 

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About Jeppo Technology Agarwood

市面上的低廉产品跟本公司的产品有什么不同?为什么这么贵? 因为市面上的低廉产品,都是用香精色素等化学用品制作的,制 作成本低,但燃烧后会呛鼻、打喷嚏、熏眼睛。轻者引起咳嗽、 过敏性鼻炎,皮肤瘙痒、哮喘等过敏反应,严重的会罹患肺癌, 而这种危害性却不被人知。若长期处于有毒化学香品熏烧之道场, 在300米范围内工作,身体易不适,容易衰老及病变癌症。 我们的香是用天然沉香制成的,香味醇和,不刺激。这就是化学 产品与纯沉香产品的区别。只有一燃烧,就能区别,体会到不同。

What is the difference between the low-cost products on the market and our company's products? Why is it so expensive? Because the low-cost products on the market, They are all made with chemicals such as flavors and pigments, and the production cost is low, but after burning, they will choke the nose, sneeze, and smoke the eyes. Mild cases can cause allergic reactions such as cough, allergic rhinitis, skin itching, asthma, etc., and severe cases can lead to lung cancer, but this harmfulness .Severe cases of lung cancer, but this harm is not known. If you are in a dojo where toxic chemicals are smoked and burned for a long time, and work within a range of 300 meters, you will be prone to discomfort, aging and cancer. Our incense is made with natural agarwood, which is mellow and non-irritating. This is the difference between chemical products and pure agarwood products. Only when you burn, you can distinguish and experience the difference.

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Pure Agarwood


The aroma enters the body from the nose, vellus pores, and passes through the pulmonary qi and blood. It has a direct impact on the body and mind. The six roots of the practitioner are sharp and the qi veins are unblocked. If chemical fragrance is used, it will be poisonous when entering the body, disturbing the state and easily cause troubles. When the anger rises, it will not only disturb the mind, but also damage the body and mind, and increase the cause of violation. Therefore, true practitioners must not ignore it!


Professor Zeng Canguang, chief physician of the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Hospital, told reporters that lighting incense indoors can cause many problems. Chronic inhalation of harmful substances released by incense may cause cough, asthma, and allergic rhinitis. You may even get lung cancer.

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Chemical Vs Pure Agarwood




How to distinguish natural and chemical fragrances?

1. Aroma:

The natural fragrance is the natural fragrance of spices, refreshing, refreshing, full-bodied, moderate in intensity, and it does not feel irritating after deep breathing, and the fragrance is longer. The chemical fragrance has a strong scent, which can choke your nose when you smell it. If you smell it for a long time, you will feel headache, dizziness, discomfort, and the fragrance is not volatile.


2. Incense ash: The ash of natural incense is generally white or off-white without any impurities. The incense sticks after burning. The incense ash of chemical incense is often uneven in color and dull, and sometimes the incense sticks will form a line after burning.


3. Touch the incense ash: the natural incense ash will not be hot when touched at any time; while touching the chemical incense that has just fallen or has fallen for a while, it is hot.


4. Appearance: The color of natural fragrance is generally the natural primary color of medicinal materials, and thick fibers can be seen. Inferior coloring agents for chemical fragrances can produce beautiful colors, and special chemical agents are added to make the surface of fragrances smooth and clean.


5. Price: Natural incense is relatively expensive, but from the merits of burning incense, it is nothing but benefits. It purifies the soul and purifies the environment. It is the fragrance of the soul and liberation. The cost of chemical incense is low, and all prices are relatively low.

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